Meal packages start at 6 adult servings, additional guests can be added. There is a discount in place for ordering cold with reheat instructions. Stock the fridge and eat whenever you would like! Most meals reheat in under an hour and will hold in the fridge for 2-3 days.
($250 min for delivery - delivery fees may be added based on order size/location)
Deliveries run from 5:30-7:30 PM
-Use the booking form below the menu to submit your request-
If you do not see a reply from us about your inquiry within 24-48 hours, please make sure to check your junk mail folder.
-If you are just needing Pre-Order Baked Goods from the bakery please use the link below-
Please include guest count, hot & ready to eat or cold with reheat instructions, and your dessert choices in the message box. If you need multiple deliveries just add additional dates in the message box.